Fantasy Parlour, 2018

In the new age of technology, we spend our entire lives in between the lines of exhibitionist and voyeur.

We watch and consume and put our selective experiences out there for other to see. With time, exciting newness turns into comfortable numbness but we keep coming back for more.

We’ve all become perfectly crafted constructs of ourselves to outside eyes. However, in our absence, this construct comes to die and the space we chose to occupy with our physical body, is what’s left to define us. The clues of our leavings through the screens show glimpses of what hides behind the mask, the truth of who we are outside performance. For a fleeting moment, this is our legacy.

> How much of yourself are you willing to share?

This project is exhibited in the form of a 27- pages, full colour photography zine, with red hand stitched binding. Get it [ here ]


Unfiltered (2014-ongoing)


Point of Entry, 2015